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Using Slack for Conference Session Q&A

Next month at the PASS Summit in Seattle, Erik Darling and I are teaching a one-day pre-conference class on performance tuning.

We sold ~300 seats, which is awesome – but that comes with some challenges, one of which is handling Q&A. As classes get over 100 people, folks can be hesitant to raise their hands, and they rarely want to walk up to a microphone to address the entire room.

I’ve tried using Twitter for this in the past, but it can be hard to get people to:

“Does anyone have any questions?”

The solution: Slack

Slack is a trendy group chat platform that’s kinda replaced Twitter for me. You can have private Slacks (like the Brent Ozar Unlimited one), and community Slacks like the SQL Server community one.

At, you can get an instant invite to the thriving SQL Server community, then join in at From there, you can join the #PASS-Summit channel, for example.

Slack works in the browser, plus has great standard apps. Channel discussions all stay in the same place, and they’re easy to follow. You can go way beyond 140 characters, even uploading pictures and files as part of your thread.

I first started using Slack for the conference chats in the #GroupBy channel, and it’s been a huge hit with over 500 folks in the channel. It’s very lively during the conference. This month, I started using it for our training class Q&A in the #BrentOzarUnlimited channel, and that worked really well too.

For Summit, what room should we use?

This is where it gets tricky:

I dunno – whaddya think?

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