Site icon Brent Ozar

Blog For Your Resume, Not For Your Readers

2004 Brent

Are you afraid to blog because you’re worried no one will read it?

It doesn’t matter.

Write a blog because months or years from now, someone is going to Google your name. You want them to find things – things you’re proud of writing, things that convey your knowledge and personality.

It doesn’t matter whether your blog posts have comments or subscribers. You’re going to instantly impress managers because you’ve taken the time to document what you know and share it with the community.

Do it now. The future job-seeking you will thank me.

Go to and start with the Premium plan. It’s $99 per year, and that tier lets you use your own custom domain name. (I don’t make a cut of your signup fees or anything – I just recommend because it’s the easiest way to get started with a platform that can grow, and you can move out to your own self-hosted WordPress blog later.)

For the domain, just pick your name –, or include your middle initial, or whatever it takes to be unique. Don’t put a technology or product as part of your domain name, because your technology interests will change over time.

Don’t worry about how it looks. It’s really tempting to futz with themes, pictures, and plugins to get it to perfectly reflect your personality. Don’t bother – you can always change that stuff easily later. What you can’t change is the dates on your posts, and you need to start building up a history today.

Next up, here’s what you should blog about, and here’s who you’re writing for.

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