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SQL Server DBAs: Today, Let’s Thank Adam Machanic.

Adam Machanic, Foodie
Adam Machanic, Foodie

Adam wrote sp_WhoIsActive, a troubleshooting tool used by tens of thousands of DBAs all over the world. It’s incredibly powerful, it’s saved my butt countless times, and I use it every single week. He gives it away for free to help you. He hasn’t updated it in years – because he doesn’t need to. It’s that good.

He co-founded and still runs He hosts a blogging platform where a lot of really smart SQL Server people share a lot of really good articles for free. Here, Adam’s a force multiplier – he makes it easier for people to teach others.

He helps run the New England SQL Server User Group, and he’s been doing it for almost a decade.

Adam has been an MVP since 2004. He’s been awarded eleven consecutive MVP awards, and he doesn’t get it for brown-nosing. He’s refreshingly honest about challenges with SQL Server.

He shares his knowledge at conferences around the world. Hard-core T-SQL geeks love his SQLbits session videos on query tuning mastery.

He writes and edits books, even in this day and age of crappy royalties, including the upcoming T-SQL Querying with Itzik Ben-Gan, Dejan Sarka, and Kevin Farlee.

Update: He started T-SQL Tuesday, and participates in #SQLRun events. Aaron Bertrand and Steve Jones pointed those out.

And oh yeah, he’s got a day job and a family.

Today, you should tweet him thanks at @AdamMachanic. Why? Because he’s been helping you and me for over a decade, and today is as good a day as any other. Go make it happen.

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